Accepting Applications for Gen-Fed Registration 2025

The Genealogical Institute on Federal Records will be held in-person at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., from Sunday, August 10th through Saturday, August 16th, 2025.

Gen-Fed is now accepting entries for the registration drawing the weeks of February 8th through February 21st, 2025. More people want to attend Gen-Fed than we can accommodate at NARA. For that reason, we use a random selection process to even the playing field.

    1. Fill out the Attendee Seat entry form.
    2. If you win a seat in our random drawing, you’ll be registered.
    3. If you are selected, you must be prepared to pay the fee, agree to policies, and attend the week of Gen-Fed.

To enter your name in the drawing click here after reading the FAQ below: 

    • Form opens at 9:00 am ET on Saturday, 8 February 2025
    • Form closes at 9:00 pm ET on Friday, 21 February 2025

Gen-Fed will send an email to entrants after the form closes on 21 February with the Zoom link for the live drawing on Saturday, 22 February at 1:00 pm ET / 12:00 pm CT / 11:00 am MT / 10:00 am PT.  You do not need to attend to be awarded the registration seat.


Q: How will I know if I won a Gen-Fed seat?
A: Winners will be randomly drawn on Saturday, 22 February 2025 at the times above. It is viewable by all applicants, via Zoom (you don’t need to be present to win).

Q: How many seats are available?
A: In 2025 we will be drawing 35 seats. This is determined by (a) the number of persons allowed in the space reserved for us at Archives I, plus (b) the number of scholarship winners or sponsored students selected Gen-Fed as their institute of choice. Twenty additional names, above and beyond the remaining available seats, will be drawn for waitlist status.

Q: How many times can I enter?
A: Once, if this is your first time or second unsuccessful attempt. The new policy is that those who have applied multiple times since 2021 will be allowed an extra entry into the drawing for every third, fourth, or more attempts to register. In other words, their name will go in multiple times for the current drawing.  See the announcement here for details:

Q: When will waitlist entrants be notified that they’re “in?”
A: ASAP, if/when seats become open.

Q: When do I pay tuition?
A: Payment of $650 will be due, in full, upon email notification that you’ve won a seat and are officially registered.

Q: What if I’m attending on a scholarship (ex: Lackey, ASG, BCG, other sponsorship, etc.)?
A: No need to fill out the form–your seat has already been reserved.

Q: What about hotel and transportation?
A: Each student is responsible for their own transportation and board.  Gen-Fed has contracted with a local hotel for a lower group rate.  Go to the Registration FYI page for more.

Q: What else should I know?
A: Students must all agree to abide by the Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct to be allowed to register.  Additionally, the National Archives has COVID regulations in place, and the Gen-Fed Institute has also amended it to include their own recommendations.  Read them before you fill in your entry form.

Q: Am I ready for Gen-Fed?
A: This is an important question. Gen-Fed is a week of advanced-level courses on federal records in a complex facility.  It is best to have at least intermediate to higher-intermediate level skills and education going into this week.  Try the self-evaluation test here.

Good luck and we hope to see you this year!

Rebecca and Mary