Gen-Fed Alumni Announces 2022 Scholarship

The Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) Alumni Association is sponsoring the Richard S. Lackey Scholarship in 2022. The Gen-Fed Alumni Association’s purpose is to promote, conduct, and foster education, research, study, and analysis related to genealogy and to disseminate information and support other similar undertakings.

Richard S. Lackey (1921–1983) of Mississippi was a leader in the drive to improve the professionalization of the genealogical community. In addition to lecturing and teaching, he was an author/compiler of standards for genealogical writing, and of Mississippi source material. His work exemplified the highest standards of competent research and scholarly citation of sources. His books Cite Your Sources: A Manual for Documenting Family Histories and Genealogical Records (1980) and Write it Right (1983), co-authored with Donald R. Barnes, promote proper documentation of sources within family histories and genealogical papers. At the time of his death, Richard was President of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®.

The scholarship is awarded annually to an experienced researcher active in a paid or volunteer position which directly benefits the genealogical community. This year the scholarship will award $1000, which covers full tuition for the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed), and partly defrays hotel and/or meal costs. Provided the public health situation allows it, the Gen-Fed Alumni Association will also provide dinner at the Gen-Fed Alumni Banquet on Friday night, Aug 12, 2022, where a check for the amount less tuition will be presented to the recipient.

Nancy Calhoun, our 2017 scholarship recipient says, “Receiving the Lackey Scholarship has not only benefited me but also the genealogy and local history staff at Muskogee Public Library and the patrons we assist. We never know what people are going to request. The training received will assist us in being better equipped to search out that information in the vast collections of National Archives.”

For more information about the Institute, visit The application can be downloaded from the Scholarships page.

All applications and additional attachments must be submitted in PDF format, combined in one file. The completed application form and attachments should be emailed to Jonathan

  1. Deiss at with “Lackey Scholarship 2022” in the subject line. The PDF file name should include your last name and first initial, such as “DoeJ Lackey Scholarship 2022 Application.”

 A complete application must be received by midnight, (EST) 31 December 2021. The winner will be notified by 15 February 2022. Other applicants will be notified shortly after that date. The scholarship winner will automatically be accepted for the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records to be held at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., from Aug 8–13, 2022.

Cinda Baxter, CG, Announced as New Gen-Fed Assistant Director

Following a successful first institute thanks in great deal to her wonderful talents, Darcie Hind Posz, CG®, will step down as Assistant Director to Gen-Fed.  We want to express our sincere and deep appreciation for Darcie and support her decisions moving forward.

Having met today, the Board of the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) and Director, Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGLSM, are pleased to announce that Cinda Baxter, CG®, will serve as the newest Assistant Director of the institute, effective immediately.

As a Minneapolis-based genealogist, Cinda Baxter, CG, earned board certification in 2019, and has been an avid proponent of continuing genealogical education since attending her first institute—Gen-Fed—in 2017.

She is a Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate alumnus (OL25) and has served as a Course Facilitator for both the BU Certificate and BU Principles courses; an alumnus of ProGen 38 and Mentor for ProGen 53; Website Coordinator for the Board for Certification of Genealogists® (BCG); and was Virtual Technical Coordinator for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG 2021 and SLIG Academy for Professionals 2021). She is currently engaged in post-graduate study at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) for Genealogical, Palaeographic, and Heraldic Studies, and midway through the process of earning accreditation through the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen), specializing in Scotland research.

Of her experience with this institute Cinda stated, “Beyond the one-of-a-kind education provided by Gen-Fed, that week served as an introduction to a broad spectrum of peers who were as excited about research as me. The freedom with which they shared their ideas, advice, laughter, enthusiasm, and (much deeper) experience was the noodge I needed to make a massive—and never regretted—career change.”

Her passions beyond the genealogical realm include technology, fountain pens and lovely inks, growing African violets and streptocarpus, sourdough bread baking, knitting, and—of course—a wee dram of lightly peated Scottish whisky with a nibble of dark chocolate on the side.

Welcome, Cinda, Gen-Fed is in good hands with you in its future!

Follow-up on Virtual Gen-Fed 2021 & Announcement for 2022

Hello! Thank you all for your patience in this year of change and innovation for Gen-Fed.  We’d like to share some highlights from our first virtual Gen-Fed. There have been many questions asked of us, some we could not answer right away but we would like to now.

This year we focused on offering as much education as possible to prepare students for future visits to the National Archives in Washington, D.C.  Speakers included archivists Trevor Plante and Claire Kluskens, and genealogists including Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA, Rick Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA, Pamela Sayre, CG, FUGA, LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, JD, LLM, CG, CGL, [now FASG!], Judy Russell, JD, CG, CGL, Timothy Pinnick, Jonathan Deiss, Marian L. Smith, Debra Hoffman, Kenneth W. Heger, Ph.D, and myself. Ahmed Johnson joined us to discuss the Library of Congress and Elizabeth Ernst gave us a virtual tour of the Daughters of the American Revolution Library.

Classes started before the week of Gen-Fed with pre-recorded lectures on a history of the Archives and how to navigate NARA and request records.  Gen-Fed’s official week covered federal military records, federal land records, congressional records, African Americans and Native Americans in federal records, immigration, using the NARA catalog online, and more. To broaden the experience, archivists & subject matter experts from Archives II (College Park, MD), NARA Kansas City, and NARA St. Louis gave presentations on their repository holdings as well.  Trevor Plante also made special arrangements for each student to have a one-on-one chat with a NARA subject matter expert during the week at our Learning Lunches breaks. Additionally, students were offered three hands-on practical exercises to help familiarize them with the records they had just learned about.

We are happy to announce that if the National Archives is open for in-person research, we will hold Gen-Fed in Washington, D.C., the week of August 8–13, 2022.  If the National Archives is not open or not fully open for a conference-level event, we will repeat the virtual schedule in 2022.

Here are some FAQs to answer questions we have received:

  • Q: When will NARA open?
    • A: I wish we knew!  They are doing the best they can under the circumstances.  The last official word was at this page, however the public is not currently able to make appointments.
  • Q: When will registration happen and how will it take place?
    • Registration will be in February and the specific date will be announced mid-January.  Registration will be a lottery-based system; prospective students will submit applications over a one-week period.  Those names will be put into a random drawing and chosen by an automated system.
  • Q: How many students may attend Gen-Fed each year?
    • Due to the size of the room at the National Archives, we are limited to taking 50 students (including seats set aside for sponsored scholarship students).  If the program is virtual, we may consider adding more seats.
  • Q: Is there a waiting list?  Can I be on it for next year?
    • We will choose a number of people from the 2022 registration and notify them that they are on the waiting list, should any of the students need to cancel their registration.  We do not hold any waiting lists over until the next year (the only exception was when the 2020 program was unexpectedly cancelled).  People who held over their 2020 registration will be already registered, if they can attend. They will be contacted before the 2022 registration begins.
  • Q: What are the costs and related fees for the program?
    • The program cost for Gen-Fed is currently $575.  There are no additional fees for a printed and digital syllabus, those are included.  Attendees pay their own travel and accommodations.  Gen-Fed does make arrangements with a nearby hotel for a block of rooms for students at a reduced rate.
  • Q: Do I get a certificate for being at Gen-Fed?
    • Yes, each student receives a certificate of participation.  This is not the same as a certificate of merit from a program that tested skills, and not the same as being “certified” in genealogical research.
  • Q: How about holding an in-person Gen-Fed and a Zoom Gen-Fed every year!?!
    • Well…. as the new director who hasn’t had an in-person event yet, let’s hold off on that decision just yet.

Thank you and we hope to see you join us in August!

Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG, CGL
Director, Genealogical Institute on Federal Records

Limited Seats Open for Virtual Gen-Fed 2021

Gen-Fed is going to be virtual in 2021! Although we will miss the in-person experience of researching at NARA, the virtual schedule may interest you.  Typical years at Gen-Fed include about 18 lectures, plus tours to the Library of Congress and Archives II, plus research time at the repository.  There will also be cameos from satellite NARA archives! Archivists will be available to talk to students at lunchtimes during the week, and some instructors will be introducing hands-on exercises to give students a feel for working in the records. Topics will range from military records, immigration records, federal land records, to African American records – all available at the National Archives.

Gen-Fed 2021 will take place from 19-24 July and the cost of the virtual institute is $575, the same as the in-person program in 2020.

With such wide-ranging content, Gen-Fed is going to open 8 additional seats.

Registrants for those 8 seats will be chosen through a randomly drawn lottery.  

Enter your name for a chance at registration on or before Monday, March 22nd by midnight, Eastern Standard Time.

  • Email to
  • Include in the subject: Gen-Fed 2021 Registration Lottery
  • In the email include your name, address, email address and phone number.  Indicate that by entering the lottery you are willing to pay the institute registration fee of $575 and will be available from 19-24 July for the program.
  • All entrants will be notified on March 23rd.  If chosen, payment will be expected within 30 business days.

Thank you and we hope to see you join us in July!

Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG, CGL
Director, Genealogical Institute on Federal Records

Gen-Fed 2021


The Genealogical Institute of Federal Records 2020 session was cancelled due to travel restrictions and the closing of the National Archives (NARA) in Washington, D.C., last year.  This year, unfortunately, in the wake of continuing travel restrictions and repository shutdowns, it is unlikely that NARA will be open, or not open to full capacity.  We sincerely appreciate the concerns and precautions that the Archives has to make in these difficult circumstances.

We now announce that the 2021 Genealogical Institute on Federal Records will be held virtually this year.  We are grateful to have the full support of the instructors and NARA staff. Because we will take less time in travelling to other repositories, we are taking the opportunity to add lectures and new topics to the program this year.  Gen-Fed will take a total of 50 students this year.

However, it is unlikely that formal registration will be held for this event. The students originally registered for 2020 have first priority.  They have the option to defer to 2022. Gen-Fed waitlists do not carry over from year-to-year, but there is a already a waitlist that is still part of the 2020 registration cycle, which will be given next priority until the session fills.  If there is capacity after that, an announcement will be made at least 10 days prior to the opening of registration.

Thank you – stay safe and well,


Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGLSM, Director                                                                              Darcie Hind Posz, CG®, Assistant Director

Photo credit R. Koford

Gen-Fed Assistant Director Announced

The Board of the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) and new Director, Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGLSM, are pleased to announce that Darcie Hind Posz, CG®, will serve as the new Assistant Director of the institute, effective October 1, 2020.

Darcie Hind Posz, CG, has been a board-certified genealogist since 2013 and attended Gen-Fed (then NIGR) in 2007. She said, “Attending NIGR (now Gen-Fed) in 2007, provided me with the foundational tools to navigate and understand the intricate and delicate system that is Federal records.”

In 2015, she was the recipient of the American Society of Genealogists Scholar Award. She is a ProGen Study Groups alumnus (ProGen 12) and was the ProGen 23 coordinator. She has previously served as President of the National Capital Area Chapter of APG, which received the Golden Chapter Award, and has served a term on the APG Board of Directors. She serves now as a trustee for the Board for Certification of Genealogists®.

An author, her work has been published in The Genealogist, The American Genealogist, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, The California Nugget, MASSOG: A Genealogical Magazine for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Maryland Genealogical Society Journal, The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, Rhode Island Roots and the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal. She co-authored the chapter on lineage applications with Barbara J. Mathews, CG, FASG, in Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards and has published two books, The Chicago Stones: A Genealogy of Acquisition, Influence & Scandal in and Recast: Vital Events Published in Variety in 1918 and 1919.

She currently resides with her husband in downtown, Washington, D.C.                                      Welcome, Darcie, we are lucky to have you!

Passing The Baton

22nd Asian Athletics Championships (cc by sa); licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

October 1, 2020, marks a new beginning in many corners of the genealogical community and Gen-Fed is no exception. I am happy today to pass the baton to Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG, CGL, the new Director of Genealogical Institute of Federal Records.

I am reluctant to start naming individuals who have helped make my time with Gen-Fed so rewarding and downright fun—from the leaders who served on the Board, to the faculty who gave so generously of their time and energy, to the attendees who shared their excitement, and the staff at NARA who went above and beyond—but a special appreciation goes to Debra A. Hoffman who supported the institute and me every day.

The seeds for today’s successful program were sown in the 1980s by Lynn McMillion and Marie Melchiori, then nurtured by Claire Bettag and Patricia Shawker. It has been an honor to follow them. If you are not familiar with the institute’s rich history, you can read about it here.

As with any good baton exchange, there’s a period of overlap and Debra and I will be working closely with Rebecca in the months to come. And rooting her on the rest of the way!

Malissa Ruffner

Cancellation of Gen-Fed 2020

Gen-Fed 2020 has been cancelled. The public health risk in the Capitol region remains high and NARA, the Library of Congress and the DAR Library are still closed. Although re-opening may begin slowly in the coming weeks, operational guidelines would negatively impact the unique experience offered by Gen-Fed and place extra demands on the repositories we value. We are also deeply concerned about the interstate travel necessitated by going forward.

On to 2021: we have reserved the Innovation Hub at NARA for the week of July 19–23, 2021, and will carry over our 2020 registration roll, including the waiting list, for next year. 2020 registrants have been notified by email of their options. New registrations will not be taken in 2021.

Holding in-person genealogical events offers so much opportunity for growth and fellowship. Let’s hope we can get back to all the things and people we love very soon. Being at the National Archives, working with faculty, classmates, and the wonderful staff, and applying classroom lessons on the spot, are what makes Gen-Fed unique. It is an experience worth waiting for!  Here’s to clear skies and better days. Stay safe and well.

Gen-Fed Board Appoints Koford Next Director

The Board of the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) announced the appointment of Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG®, CGLSM, as new Director of the institute, effective October 1, 2020. She will take over from the current directors, Malissa Ruffner and Debra Hoffman, after a year of transition.

Koford is the Executive Director of the Board for Certification of Genealogists® and the administrator of the ProGen Study Group, an online peer-led study program. She also coordinates Course I for The Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research (IGHR).  She has lectured at national conferences and has contributed to numerous publications. She holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of California, Redlands. She and her husband live in Mt. Airy, Maryland, where they raised three children.

“Rebecca will bring extensive knowledge of federal records as well as her immense administrative skill to Gen-Fed. Debra and I look forward to working with her over the next year to ensure a smooth transition,” said Malissa Ruffner.

“Attending this institute was a critical turning point in my education,” said Koford.  “I am pleased to have a chance to be a part of Gen-Fed and continuing its wonderful tradition.”

Gen-Fed 2020 is set for the week of July 13–17. Online registration will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2020.

Gen-Fed Alumni Announces 2022 Scholarship

The Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) Alumni Association is sponsoring the Richard S. Lackey Scholarship in 2022. The Gen-Fed Alumni Association’s purpose is to promote, conduct, and foster education, research, study, and analysis related to genealogy and to disseminate information and support other similar undertakings.

Richard S. Lackey (1921–1983) of Mississippi was a leader in the drive to improve the professionalization of the genealogical community. In addition to lecturing and teaching, he was an author/compiler of standards for genealogical writing, and of Mississippi source material. His work exemplified the highest standards of competent research and scholarly citation of sources. His books Cite Your Sources: A Manual for Documenting Family Histories and Genealogical Records (1980) and Write it Right (1983), co-authored with Donald R. Barnes, promote proper documentation of sources within family histories and genealogical papers. At the time of his death, Richard was President of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®.

The scholarship is awarded annually to an experienced researcher active in a paid or volunteer position which directly benefits the genealogical community. This year the scholarship will award $1000, which covers full tuition for the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed), and partly defrays hotel and/or meal costs. Provided the public health situation allows it, the Gen-Fed Alumni Association will also provide dinner at the Gen-Fed Alumni Banquet on Friday night, Aug 12, 2022, where a check for the amount less tuition will be presented to the recipient.

Nancy Calhoun, our 2017 scholarship recipient says, “Receiving the Lackey Scholarship has not only benefited me but also the genealogy and local history staff at Muskogee Public Library and the patrons we assist. We never know what people are going to request. The training received will assist us in being better equipped to search out that information in the vast collections of National Archives.”

For more information about the Institute, visit The application can be downloaded from the Scholarships page.

All applications and additional attachments must be submitted in PDF format, combined in one file. The completed application form and attachments should be emailed to Jonathan

  1. Deiss at with “Lackey Scholarship 2022” in the subject line. The PDF file name should include your last name and first initial, such as “DoeJ Lackey Scholarship 2022 Application.”

 A complete application must be received by midnight, (EST) 31 December 2021. The winner will be notified by 15 February 2022. Other applicants will be notified shortly after that date. The scholarship winner will automatically be accepted for the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records to be held at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., from Aug 8–13, 2022.